Beginner Guides

RECENT Beginner Guides
  1. Can You Tell the Sex of Cannabis Seeds from Their Appearance
    Can You Tell the Sex of Cannabis Seeds from Their Appearance
    Of all the things that can trip a grower up, sexing marijuana plants may just be the trickiest. Sexing plants is so important because growers are typically after the female plan...
  2. An overview of Marijuana Harvesting
    An overview of Marijuana Harvesting
    The whole point of growing a marijuana plant is to be able to make use of it and that means you need to harvest its buds.  Here is a brief and easy guide to marijuana harve...
  3. How to Grow Marijuana in Colder Climates
    How to Grow Marijuana in Colder Climates
    When people say that marijuana can be grown just about anywhere in the world, they’re right. And this is even true when talking about growing outdoors, even if your corner of th...
  4. How to Grow Marijuana in Arid and Dry Climates
    How to Grow Marijuana in Arid and Dry Climates
    Growing in a hot and dry climate might seem like a grower’s dream. After all, it makes for the perfect conditions to grow marijuana plants free of mould and rot, and that can be...
  5. Growing Marijuana in Sub-tropical and Temperate Climates
    Growing Marijuana in Sub-tropical and Temperate Climates
    Growing marijuana in sub-tropical and temperate climates can be a grower’s dream. Here the days are typically long and hot, with just enough rainfall to help growers out, especi...
  6. Which Marijuana Strains Grow in Tropical and Wet Climates
    Which Marijuana Strains Grow in Tropical and Wet Climates
    Marijuana is called ‘weed’ for a reason; it can grow and thrive just about anywhere on earth. However, some climates are better suited for growing than others, and growing weed ...
  7. How to flush cannabis plants
    How to flush cannabis plants
    When you have spent valuable time and money growing your cannabis plants, finishing the job properly is essential if you want to get the best weed you can. The final stages of g...

Items 36 to 42 of 45 total

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